
Privacy policy
By providing personal data to us either via the website or by sending a subscription request via membership forms, visitors are consenting to our use of their personal data. If you consent to receiving our email newsletters, any information we use for this purpose will be held by us until you tell us you no longer wish to receive this information. Any paper membership forms are destroyed and disposed of after six months, in a secure manner.
Should any subscriber subsequently choose to unsubscribe from the mailing list please contact solihullunitedcc@gmail.com and request to be removed from the list.
Sharing your personal data
We do not share any personal data with partners we work with.
Data policy
The data we collect
SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB will only collect personal data which meets the requirements of the club’s membership conditions, ECB affiliated league regulations/rules and the policies of ECB Safe Hands. This data may include name, address, date of birth, mobile phone, ethnicity, medical conditions, disabilities, learning difficulties and email address. We do not collect or retain data relating to employment status, political opinions, religious beliefs or sexual preferences.
Data given to us directly by you
SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB collects personal identifiable information that is voluntarily provided to us in person, via our membership forms or by visitors to our websites (such as play-cricket.com) and social media pages. The purpose of using this data is to develop the club and to meet our long-term objectives. Data received via play-cricket.com may be used to meet ECB affiliated league rules/requirements and to meet our cricket objectives.
We may also send social members, junior members/parents and sponsors - regular communications about the work we do, information regarding club events, cricket information and exclusive promotional offers to members.
SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB email newsletters are delivered by the club and no third party is allowed access to this data.
Data publicly available
This may include individuals who play cricket for the club and names appear on club websites and social media sites. The legal basis for processing this information is legitimate interest as we deem the use of their data necessary to fulfil cricket objectives and strict ECB affiliated league playing rules and regulations.
This type of data is held no longer than is necessary to perform our cricketing objectives, or until the individual asks to be removed.
Data processed under contractual obligation
Data kept under contractual obligation includes basic personal information from our sponsors, funders and suppliers for us to provide our services. It is kept for a minimum of 3 years. After this time, it will be destroyed if it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was obtained.
We keep details of people who apply for a position with SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB, or send a speculative CV. The data is kept for no longer than six months from the closing date of the post applied for, or after receipt of the CV. All applications are then discarded securely. Our policy is to employ the best qualified person for the job advertised and to provide equality of opportunity to all.
Terms and Conditions
About Us
Founded in 2022 ,SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB are one of the new cricket clubs in the Midlands. SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB’s priorities are to increase adult participation, community engagement, junior development and improved infrastructure. SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB is situated Solihull and both of our grounds in located in Solihull.
At SOLIHULL UNITED CRICKET CLUB we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of club members, players and users of our media sites (such as play-cricket.com). Therefore, we have developed this privacy policy statement. It sets out our data collection and processing practices in accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Individual Rights
Any individual can request to see the information we hold on them at any time. If you believe the information we hold on you is incorrect, you will have the right to have this rectified or deleted accordingly.
A full list of an individual’s rights under GDPR are as follows:
1. The right to access the personal data we hold on you
2. The right to correct and update the personal data we hold on you
3. The right to have your personal data erased
4. The right to object to processing of your personal data
5. The right to data portability
6. The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time for any processing of personal data to which consent was sought.
7. The right to object to the processing of personal data where applicable.
The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office. You can contact the Information Commissioners Office via email, on 0303 123 1113, or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
If you have questions or you do not feel that your concerns have been addressed in our privacy statement, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at solihullunitedcc@gmail.com
Third party links
A number of other organisations websites including key sponsors have links on websites. If you link to their sites, they may collect information in accordance with their own privacy policies. Such sites are not within our control and are not covered by this privacy policy.
For further information about cookies see the Information Commissioner’s Office advice.